
RedWine Logo



First you should get a snapshot of the code.
As RedWine is in a very early stage of its developement, it is possible to get a copy only asking to the the author.
Once you have the tarball just expand it in a directory of your choice.
   $ cd yourChoice  

$ tar zxvf RedWine-x.y.z.tgz

In the following we call $REDWINE_HOME the directory yourChoice/RedWine-x.y.z.

How to run a test of RedWine using its internal web server

The easy part. Just do the following:

  1.    $ cd $REDWINE_HOME
    $ ./bin/rwstart

    If everything is OK you should see:
       ApplicationsGateway-> druby:// 
    host:, port: 8080
    wait for connections...

  2. Using a web browser point to

    and select the 'count' link several times.
    You should see the number in the red box increasing.

  3. Open another instance of the browser and do as in the previous step:
    You should see that the number in the two browser is
    increased in an indipendent way.

  4.   $ ./bin/rwstop  


If the error messages are not helping you or if you experimented
problems on steps other than 3, please send a bug report to
the author

How to run a test of RedWine using Apache mod_ruby

That could be quite tricky.

  1. Install apache with mod_ruby support

  2. edit as root the http.conf (in debian /etc/apache/httpd.conf)
    adding the following (write the absolute path to RedWine where
    you find $REDWINE_HOME):
    #--------- RedWine conf starts

    DocumentRoot $REDWINE_HOME/lib/redwine/adapters/web/apache
    ServerName redwine
    ErrorLog /var/log/apache/redwine-error.log
    CustomLog /var/log/apache/redwine-access.log combined

    SetHandler ruby-object
    RubyHandler Apache::RubyRun.instance

    Options ExecCGI

    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteRule !\.(css|png) /redwine.html

    #--------- redwine conf ends

  3.    cd $REDWINE_HOME  

    If everything is OK you should see:
      ApplicationsGateway-> druby://  

  4. Using a web browser point to http://redwine/CounterWidget
    and select the 'count' link several times.
    You should see the number in the red box increasing.

  5. Open another instance of the browser and do as in the previous:
    You should see that the number in the two browser is
    increased in an indipendent way.

  6.   $ ./bin/rwstop  


If you have a problem in seeing the page, please check:
  • your Apache error log file (in debian: /var/log/apache/error.log)

  • your redwine error log file /var/log/apache/redwine-error.log

  • whether you need to add redwine in your /etc/hosts

  • If the error messages are not helping you or if you experimented
    problems on steps other than 5, please send a bug report to
    the author
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June 07 2004

© veryredthings